More names announced such as High Vis, Riki, Glass Spells & more

Due to the early birds selling out within 2 days, we’ll reveal more names: High Vis, Riki, Glass Spells, Shelf Lives, Dancing Plague, Soft Vein & DJ's Parrish Smith, Marsman. But also the Dutch Premiere of: S/He Is Still Her/E - The Official Genesis P-Orridge Documentary 🖤

Other acts already confirmed: ADULT., Xeno & Oaklander, Selofan, Actors, Korine, Sacred Skin, SRSQ, Ms. BOAN, Madeline Goldstein, Cosey Mueller & Charlie (live & DJ set), many of them with a new album or first time in Europe/Netherlands!

It's shaping up to be an incredible lineup, showcasing a mix of established and emerging artists across various genres. Check out the line up till now here

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natasja alers